Licensed Technologies

Complete Support for Systematica Methodology

ICTT can perform Systematica projects for you, or integrate into your own project teams. After you have gained experience, your organization can choose to continue to receive the ongoing benefits of Systematica Methodology more independently. A complete set of Systematica Enabling Assets is available to enable your organization to internalize the methodology, configure it to your local needs, and practice it on your own:

  • Systematica Metamodel and Configurable Process Reference Model
  • Systematica Workbook
  • Enabling Assets for Third Party Tools and Information Systems
  • Process Migration Planning Guide
  • Systematica Education

This is a growing list. Contact ICTT for current availability of Systematica Enabling Assets.

When Are Enabling Assets Needed?

Systematica Enabling Assets are needed if your organization wants to internalize the ability to perform the methodology independently. Alternatively, you can obtain Systematica-based Professional Services from ICTT System Sciences or through our Systems Engineering Partners.

How are Enabling Assets Commercially Obtained?

Flexible offering plans make it possible to obtain the Enabling Assets on a basis to fit your business needs. These include one-time Licensed Technology Transfer as well as the Systematica Subscription Plan. These allow you to obtain the Enabling Assets on a one-time basis for independent use, or a continuing stream of current and future refresher updates to these Assets.

 ©2008 International Centers for Telecommunication Technology, Inc